By Charles White
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6 Voltage tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 General fauR dlagnosis lntroduct~on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 General fault diagnosis 1 Introduction 1 As a general rule. it IS usually beneficial to work through the checks listed in "Basic inspection" before connecting Ihe fault code reader. The reason for this is clear - electrical and HT faults may adversely affect eleci ronic mntrol module operat~on,giving incorrect or spurious results, and causing much confusion.
0 Check the coolant level and cool~ng system condition. Maintenance of the cooling system is particularly important for goca englne operation. An englne that 1s overcooled or running too hot will cause an incorrect coolant temperature sensor signal to be passed lo the EMS, wh~chmay result in Incorrect output signals. This will affect timing and fuelling actuatron. C Check the autornat~ctransmission fluid level am condition, where appl~cabls. r Check the battery condition. Check the battery for security.
6 Programmed test equipment This is the equipment required for the most basic approach. An analogue meter or even a test l~ghtcan be used, so long as it meets the same requirements as the d~gitalmeter. Depending on the sophrstication of the meter, the DMM can be used to test for bas^ voltage (AC and DC), resistance. frequency, rpm, duty cycle. Test equipmerlt, training and technical data 2 . 3 temperature etc. 8). 13). If the fault is a straightforward electrical fault, the meter will often be adequate.