By Johnson M.H.

The 3rd version of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience provides an intensive updating and enhancement of the vintage textual content that brought the swiftly increasing box of developmental cognitive neuroscience. comprises the addition of 2 new chapters that offer extra introductory fabric on new methodologies and the appliance of genetic tools in cognitive developmentIncludes numerous key dialogue issues on the finish of every chapterFeatures a better specialize in mid-childhood and youth, to enrich the former edition?s emphasis on early childhoodBrings the technology in the direction of real-world purposes through a better concentrate on fieldworkIncludes a better emphasis on structural and useful mind imaging

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In later chapters of this book we will see examples of how studies on the congenitally deaf have illuminated the study of language acquisition and its brain basis (Chapter 9). Another example of this general approach comes from the work of Maurer and colleagues who have studied individuals who suffered visual deprivation for varying periods of time following birth due to uni- or bilateral dense cataracts. These dense cataracts prevent structured visual input until they are reversed by surgery, usually within the first year.

One strategy is to study the role in the brain of relatively simple molecules that are close to being direct products of gene expression. A second strategy is to study variability between typical individuals in genes, brain functions, and cognition. Correlating differences on multiple measures may reveal associations between particular gene variants, aspects of brain function, and behavioral capabilities. A third approach is to study syndromes in which there are known genetic differences to the general population (see also Chapter 2), or specific individuals with rare mutations.

Methods and Populations Evidence from structural neuroimaging indicates that WS brains are only about 80–85% of the overall volume of typical brains, but there are no obvious gross atypicalities or lesions (Jernigan & Bellugi, 1994). Currently, the only evidence for a specific focus of damage is that they show a relative increase in volume in particular lobules on the cerebellum. This cerebellar atypicality contrasts with autism, in which the same lobules are relatively smaller than normal (Jernigan & Bellugi, 1994).

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