By Leong E. Way
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One of these two conformers could represent the resting state (or non-induced) form of the anionic receptor site which interacts only with the cationic site of the fused ring opiate without a major deformation of either the N-substituent or of the anionic site. Such an interaction could be responsible for agonist activity. In the 3-methylfuryl analogue which forms a pure antagonist in the benzomorphan series, low-energy N-substituent conformers bind best to another conformation of the phosphate with ii* = 117°, which could correspond to a change in receptor conformation preventing agonist activity.
1 ) have found that c e r e b r o s i d e s u l f a t e , another sphingosine l i p i d , is capable of stereospecific binding of opiates, our f i n d i n g suggested that opiate binding in premature lung c o u l d be due t o t h e p r e s e n c e o f c e r e b r o s i d e s u l f a t e , or other s i m i l a r sphingolipid. We t h e r e f o r e undertook a p a r a l l e l analysis of the lipid c o m p o s i t i o n i n e m b r y o n i c l u n g a n d i n b r a i n i n s e a r c h o f a common s p h i n g o l i p i d w i t h which o p i a t e b i n d i n g might be associated.
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