By Katsumi Inoue, Lena Wiese (auth.), Henning Christiansen, Guy De Tré, Adnan Yazici, Slawomir Zadrozny, Troels Andreasen, Henrik Legind Larsen (eds.)
This booklet constitutes the refereed lawsuits of the eighth foreign convention on versatile question Answering platforms, FQAS 2011, held in Roskilde, Denmark, in October 2011.
The forty three papers incorporated during this quantity have been rigorously reviewed and chosen from quite a few submissions. The papers are equipped in topical sections on logical ways to versatile querying, fuzzy good judgment in spatial and temporal facts modeling and querying, knowledge-based ways, multimedia, facts fuzziness, reliability and belief, info retrieval, choice queries, versatile querying of graph facts, score, ordering and facts, question suggestion and interpretation, in addition to on fuzzy databases and functions (8 papers provided in a distinct session).
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Sn ) is an R-goal (or simply goal if R is understood). Notice that primary key positions are underlined. An R-fact (or simply fact) is a goal in which no variable occurs. Two R-facts g and h are key-equal if they agree on all primary-key positions. Every fact is key-equal to itself. A database db is a finite set of facts. Such database may violate primary keys, and so capture uncertainty. Given a database db, we write adom(db) for the set of constants that occur in db. 1 This notion is unrelated to the notion of safety that guarantees domain independence in relational calculus [1, page 75].
Fr 2 Abstract. Question Answering (Q&A) systems, unlike other Information Retrieval (IR) systems, aim at providing directly the answer to the user, and not a list of documents in which the correct answer may be found. Our system is based on a data warehouse and provides composite answers made of a dataset and the corresponding chart visualizations. The question translation step is based on a new proposal for surface patterns that incorporate business semantic as well as domain-specific knowldege allowing a better coverage of questions.
Greco et al. present an approach for computing approximate probabilistic answers in polynomial time. We, on the other hand, characterize queries for which exact fractions can be obtained in polynomial time. 4 The Boundary of Tractability We define a syntactically restricted class of SJFCQ queries, called safe queries, and show that for every safe SJFCQ query q, the problem σCERTAINTY(q) is in P. Moreover, we show that for every unsafe SJFCQ query q, it is the case that σCERTAINTY(q) is P-hard. The outline is as follows: Lemmas 2–6 first provide arithmetic expressions for σfrac(db, μ, q) under particular syntactic conditions on q; these lemmas are then combined in an algorithm that defines the safe queries.