By James F Whitfield

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2002). More of this later. ii b. ”—Spencer et al. (2004) You may recall that bone cells have memory and the ablility to share information with each other through extensive networks. Well, it looks as if it runs much deeper than expected. , 2001). This raises the possibility of there being osteosynapses similar to neuronal synapses and T-lymphocye-dendritic (Langerhans) cell synapses (Dustin and Colman, 2002). , 1984). Osteocytes, with their primary cilia flowmeters (incidentally neurons also have primary cilia [Whitfield, 2004]) waving back and forth in the sloshing extracellular fluid, are not glutamate targets.

2004). , 2004). In other words at the matrix sites it acts as a kind of magnet for co-regulators of key osteoblastic gene regulators. , 2003). Two of these genes code for collagen 1 and RANKL. , 2002). , 2002). , 2004). The upshot of all of this is the arrival and arming of BMU diggers at the damaged site to dig out the microcrack and prepare the site for the making of a new canal by osteoblasts (Marotti, 1996). As the osteoclasts are tunneling through the wall of a Haversian canal in cortical bone or Growing Bone 22 digging a trench on or tunneling into a trabecula, the bone’s owner is walking, playing tennis, running, breathing etc..

2001). The blister vessel plugs into the local marrow blood sinusoids to bring pre-osteoclasts to the worksite. At first sight it might be assumed that the trabeculae and endocortical bone would enjoy a direct supply of pre-osteoclasts from the red marrow nursery. , 2000a)]) in adults is non-hemopoietic fatty yellow marrow so preosteoclasts must be shipped in via the blood, sometimes from distant places such as the residual islands of hemopoietic marrow in the upper femurs and the red marrow in the bones of the central skeleton including the ilium.

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