By Chittaranjan Das

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The response to these missives is primary, the future of the students can wait. Despite the bites of conscience all teachers in our country are forced to abide by this in order to secure a place for themselves hi this world. During our childhood, the school-inspector used to visit our school at times. Our village school teacher used to fret fifteen days before the visit like the children do after listening to grandma’s ghost stories. Papers were kept in order, the place was cleaned up, instruments were arranged properly, and mottoes were hung.

It is for Kold that the name of the Bishop still survives in the people’s memory. Like the survival of the story of the prison for Jesus. The educational system in four North European countries— Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland—is more advanced and liberal than other countries of the world. The name of Kold will definitely figure among those to whom credit for this goes. No other country can boast of a better atmosphere and tolerance for a teacher’s individual experimentation and unique demonstration of his skills and dedication.

My compartment was packed with French soldiers. There seemed to be an uneasy excitement in the air. Once the train took off I started interacting. The co-passengers were curious when they learnt that I am from India. We started gossiping. They all turned out to be university students donning military garb due to an urgent call by the government to perform duty at Indo-China. The people there were longing for freedom. These students were supposed to keep them quiet under the threat of French guns.

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