By Jane Collier
Wickedly humorous and bitingly satirical, The paintings is a comedy of manners that provides insights into eighteenth-century habit in addition to the undying artwork of emotional abuse. it's also an recommendation ebook, a guide of anti-etiquette, and a comedy of manners. Collier describes tools for "teasing and mortifying" one's intimates and neighbors in a number of social occasions. Written essentially for other halves, moms, and the mistresses of servants, it indicates the problems ladies skilled exerting their impact in inner most and public life--and the methods they obtained around them. As such, The artwork presents a desirable glimpse into eighteenth-century way of life. the 1st to hire sleek spelling, this variation features a vigorous creation by way of editor Katharine A. Craik. Craik places in context a number of the disputes defined within the paintings (domestic squabbles, quarrels among woman neighbors, altercations among social periods) by means of describing the emergence in mid-eighteenth century of latest notions of bourgeois femininity, besides new principles of relaxation and sport. the result's a literary paintings absolute to be loved either via fanatics of satire and people with an curiosity within the genuine day-by-day dramas of the eighteenth-century global.
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An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting: with Proper Rules for the Exercise of that Amusing Study (London: reprinted for William Miller in Albermarle Street by W. , Cleveland Row, 1805). An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting: with Proper Rules for the Exercise of that Amusing Study (London: printed for Andrew Millar, 1806). An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting (London: printed for Thomas Tegg by Hazard and Carthew, 1808). An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting (London: printed for Thomas Tegg and R.
1 July) JC accompanies her sister Margaret to Gravesend on the first stage of her journey with Henry Fielding’s party to Portugal. Publication of The Cry: a New Dramatic Fable, co-authored with Sarah Fielding. Death of JC. Buried on 28 March in London at St Benet Paul’s Wharf, Doctors’ Commons. Johnson cites JC’s The Art in his Dictionary. Second London edition of An Essay on The Art of Ingeniously Tormenting. This page intentionally left blank A N E S S A Y O N T HE A R T of ingenioujly TQRM E N T j N G » WITH PROPER RULES FOR The E X E R C I S E of that Pleafant ART, Humbly addrefled, In the.
An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting: with Proper Rules for the Exercise of that Amusing Study (London: printed for Andrew Millar, 1806). An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting (London: printed for Thomas Tegg by Hazard and Carthew, 1808). An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting (London: printed for Thomas Tegg and R. Scholey, 1809). An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting: with Proper Rules for the Exercise of that Amusing Study (London: printed for William Miller and James Ballantyne, 1811).