By David Frankfurter

This important contribution to our wisdom of Egyptian Christianity within the past due 3rd century contains dialogue of —the Apocalypse of Elijah as non secular literature;—the Egyptian provenance of the document;—its social and ancient context;—a whole translation.“Frankfurter’s research of The Apocalypse of Elijah is an in depth and inventive piece of labor. His mastery of literary conception and the social-scientific approach is clear all through, and the union of the 2 tools during this paintings is impressive.” —James E. Goehring, Mary Washington College“This ebook is a striking piece of labor. Frankfurter makes a powerful case for using local Egyptian prophetic traditions within the Apocalypse of Elijah.” —Birger A. Pearson, college of California, Santa Barbara>

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Sample text

57; a n d C o l i n H . R o b e r t s , Manuscript, Society, and Belief in Early Christian Egypt ( L o n d o n : B r i t i s h A c a d e m y , 1979), c h a p . 1. T h e e v i d e n c e s h o w s far m o r e biblical t h a n C h r i s t i a n scriptures w e r e used by C h r i s t i a n s i n E g y p t and, a m o n g those C h r i s t i a n scriptures used, a fairly even d i s t r i b u t i o n o f N e w Testament a n d n o n c a n o n i c a l texts. 2. S o z o m e n , Historia ecclesiastica 7 .

B e r l i n s t a a t l . M u s e e n , A b t e i l . P . 1 8 6 2 a n d P a r i s , B i b l . N a t . C o p t e . 135 (see p p . 2 1 23, b e l o w , o n m a n u s c r i p t s ) . O n i t s d a t i n g , c f . S t e i n d o r f f , 6 ( l a t e f o u r t h / e a r l y f i f t h c e n t u r y ) ; C a r l S c h m i d t , " D e r K o l o p h o n d e s M s . O r i e n t . 7594 d e s B r i t i s c h e n M u s e u m s , " Sitzungsberichte der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historisch Klasse (1925):317 ( f o u r t h c e n t u r y ) ; a n d V i k t o r S t e g e m a n n , Koptische Palaographie ( H e i d e l b e r g : I m S e l b s t v e r l a g , v o n F.

Also collated and edited by Steindorff, 6 5 this manuscript included another, Sahidic recension of the Apocalypse of Zephaniah; however, it lacks the beginning, the end, and part of the middle of the Apocalypse of Elijah. A colophon to a biblical codex in the British M u s e u m (BM 7594), written in a Greek script but in Sahidic Coptic, was found in 1925 to represent the opening passages of the Apocalypse of Elijah, although the title was not included. 6 6 T h e script is dated to the mid-fourth century.

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