By Craig Zacker
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However, for best performance and security, Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7 should be deployed on clients. Determining Your Needs Before des gn ng a network, dec de wh ch features of SBS 2011 your bus ness needs; do ng so he ps ensure that the network des gn s d ctated by bus ness needs rather than by fancy techno ogy Key needs to cons der nc ude ■ Centra zed user account management ■ Centra zed update management ■ Web and ema access for emp oyees ■ F e shar ng and centra zed fi e storage ■ Database storage us ng M crosoft SQL Server ■ Pr nter shar ng ■ Centra zed backup ■ Centra zed fax server Planning the Network Infrastructure CHAPTER 3 21 ■ Remote access to the nterna network v a the Internet, nc ud ng remote access d rect y to the user’s desktop from the web ■ Management of remote computers ■ Co aborat on and document management (SharePo nt Foundat on 2010) You a so must dec de how mportant the fo ow ng factors are, as we as what resources are ava ab e to support your cho ces ■ Performance ■ Re ab ty ■ Secur ty Planning Get a thorough idea of what kind of work will be done on the network, when and where it will be done, and by whom.
CHAPTER 2 15 as bus ness-grade) pr nters support a fu pr nter contro anguage n the pr nter tse f, usua y e ther PCL or PostScr pt Hav ng a server-grade pr nter removes many of the compat b ty ssues assoc ated w th pr nter dr vers because even f there sn’t a perfect match for your pr nter, there w be one that s c ose Note All-in-one printer/fax/scanner devices present a particular challenge in 64-bit Windows—very few of them have drivers that support all of their functionality. If you absolutely have to have this kind of device, you’ll probably have better luck connecting it to a centrally located personal computer.
SBS 2011 prov des fu support for 64-b t W ndows c ents That sa d, the need for 64-b t at the c ent eve s st far ess compe ng than t s for servers 32-b t W ndows s qu te adequate for the vast major ty of desktop and aptop computers used n bus ness today The except ons to th s are deve opment workstat ons, draw ng and computer-a ded des gn (CAD) workstat ons, or other spec a zed workstat ons used for memory- ntens ve app cat ons that need to address greater than 4 GB of RAM The 64-b t bus ness vers ons of W ndows 7, W ndows V sta, and W ndows XP support up to 128 GB of RAM and two phys ca processors If you have spec a zed needs for very arge RAM workstat ons, 64-b t s defin te y the way to go But most users w find 32-b t W ndows suffic ent, though th s s defin te y chang ng as the ava ab ty of desktop computers w th 8 GB and even 12 GB of RAM become more common Tab e 2-3 shows the support matr x for processors and RAM n W ndows Note Although you can run Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (XP x64) as a client op- erating system in an SBS 2011 network, it is not a fully supported scenario.