By OFFICEPRO Software Trainers & Consultants
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Additional info for Excel 2000 intermediate : for Windows 95/98/NT / presented by OFFICEPRO, Inc
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20 What Are Functions? Background Functions are special commands which you can type into your formulas to perform mathematical processes. SAMPLE ONLY NOT TO BE USED FOR TRAINING Excel 2000 contains a built-in list of worksheet functions which are categorized to make it easy to search for the ones you need. You can also define your own functions for calculations you often use in the User Defined category. A function entered using the correct syntax. They can only be used in formulas. They always include parentheses after them [()].
To hide worksheets • • • Click on the sheet tab to select the sheet you wish to hide. From the Format menu, select Sheet. Choose Hide from the Format Sheet sub-menu. To re-display hidden worksheets • • From the Format menu, choose Sheet. Select Unhide from the Format Sheet menu. The Unhide dialog box is displayed listing the hidden sheets. Click the sheet you want to un-hide in the Unhide sheet list box. Select OK. com/ 22 Further Formatting Techniques 1995-2000 - Cheltenham Computer Training To hide columns (using the mouse) • Excel 2000 Intermediate TIP: You can use the mouse to hide a column by dragging the right column border over, and past, the left column border.
65. 66. 67. 68. Excel 2000 Intermediate Use EOMONTH? Use MONTH? Use NETWORKDAYS? Use TODAY? Use WEEKDAY? Use WORKDAY? Use YEAR? Use YEARFRAC? Enter the current date into a spreadsheet? Separate the year from a date? Separate the month from a date? Show the day of the week? Show the day of the month? Calculate the difference between two dates in days or weeks? Add days or weeks to a date? Add months to a date? Find out the last day of the month? Use HOUR? Use MINUTE? Use NOW? Use SECOND? Use TIME?