By Rabindranath Tagore

The letters translated during this ebook span the best interval of my literary existence, whilst, due to nice success, i used to be younger and not more identified. From the creation.

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It can only be perfect when it ceases to be creation, and is God. Do our prayers dare go so far? The more we think over it, the oftener we come hack to the starting-point--Why this creation at all? If we cannot make up our minds to object to the thing itself, it is futile complaining about its companion, sorrow. SHAZADPUR, 7th July 1893. The flow of village life is not too rapid, neither is it stagnant. Work and rest go together, hand in hand. The ferry crosses to and fro, the passers-by with umbrellas up wend their way along the tow-path, women are washing rice on the split-bamboo trays which they dip in the water, the ryots are coming to the market with bundles of jute on their heads.

But as soon as the thorns on the road worry my feet, I writhe and begin to feel serious misgivings as to the future. The path of life again seems long, and my strength inadequate. But this last conclusion cannot be the true one, for it is these petty thorns which are the most difficult to bear. The household of the mind is a thrifty one, and only so much is spent as is necessary. There is no squandering on trifles, and its wealth of strength is saved up with miserly strictness to meet the really big calamities.

It was very hot the whole day, but in the afternoon dense clouds rolled up in stupendous masses. ] I thought to myself, this first day of the rains, I would rather risk getting wet than remain confined in my dungeon of a cabin. The year 1293 [1] will not come again in my life, and, for the matter of that, how many more even of these first days of Asarh will come? My life Glimpses of Bengal 35 would be sufficiently long could it number thirty of these first days of Asarh to which the poet of the Meghaduta[2] has, for me at least, given special distinction.

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