By Steve Ansonand, Steve Bunting

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In the case of a local account, that security authority is the local computer itself. 5 shows a local Computer Management console displaying various local user accounts for a single Windows XP computer. These accounts exist and are valid only on that one machine. The three accounts with Xs in the corner of their icons are default user accounts created during system installation. The Xs indicate that they are disabled, meaning that they are still stored in the computer’s SAM, but they Page 52 cannot be used until activated by the administrator.

4 shows a domain controller’s Active Directory Users and Computers Microsoft Management Console. This is the primary tool used by administrators to organize and manipulate organizational units, users, and groups. com domain, which contains three organizational units (Sales, Research, and Human Resources). In the right pane, you see the members of the Sales OU. The first six entries are for different computer accounts. The second six entries are Page 51 different user accounts. All 12 of these accounts are subject to any policies that the administrator may apply to the Sales OU.

Since these accounts are stored locally on the computer, and are usable only locally on that computer, they are referred to as local accounts. A local account can be a user account, a computer account, or a service account. The term local account refers to the security authority that creates, stores, and uses the account. In the case of a local account, that security authority is the local computer itself. 5 shows a local Computer Management console displaying various local user accounts for a single Windows XP computer.

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