By Henning Lehmann

After the Council of Chalcedon in advert 451, church buildings utilizing the Syriac language got here to symbolize the unorthodox. ahead of this epoch-making Council, a hundred and fifty years had prior within which the church language in Syria have been essentially Greek, yet even as the variety of languages, cultures and theologies were large - occasionally developing rigidity, in particular while biblical texts have been to be translated or interpreted. This early interval and the various diverse assets to the certainty of it (in Greek, Syriac, Latin and Armenian) were the topic of an exceptional a part of Henning Lehmann's learn, and this quantity offers 15 of his articles from the interval 1969-2008.

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Extra info for Students of the Bible in 4th and 5th Century Syria: Seats of Learning, Sidelights and Syriacisms

Sample text

34 A. Zanolli, Di una vetusta catena sul Levitico, perduta in greco e conservata in armeno, della sua stretta relazione col commentario di Procopio di Gaza e dei tre codici di S. Lazzaro, che la contengono, Venice 1938, 89f. 35 Jerome, De vir. ill, 119, cf. Bardenhewer, III, 306, note 6. T he S pirit ο f G od upon the F ace ο f T he W aters positive and friendly manner in St. Jerome’s mouth; that this tie of dependence is a historical reality, however, has been substantiated more fully, esp. by Ed.

3,1 2 զգուշանամ Hebr. 10,24 1 պշուցեալ հայիմ Js. 1,23 1 հայեցեալ տեսանեմ Js. ) Text Greek phrase Armenian phrase Acts 1,10 ὡς ἀτενίζοντες ἦσαν մինչդեռ պշուցեալ հայէին Acts 3,12 τί ἀτενίζετε զի էք պշուցեալ Acts 11,6 εἰς ἥν ἀτενίσας κατενόουν յոր պշուցեալ հայէի Js. 1,23 ἀνδρὶ κατανοοῦντι մարդոյ որ պշուցեալ հայիցի 18 L. , note 11. ) in the Armenian New Testament, it should be noted that all three occurrences outside James 1,23 are found in Acts. In two cases (Acts 1,10; 11,6) the verb is used in the participle in conjunction with a finite form of the verb հայիմ – as is the case in James 1,23.

10,8 Gal. 11,18 κατὰ + acc. ըստ + dat. 11,30 acc. acc. 12,5 ὑπὲρ + gen. վասն + gen. 12,5 ὑπὲρ + gen. վասն + gen. 12,9 ἐν + dat. ի + acc. /loc. 6,13 ἐν + dat. instr. 6,14 ἐν + dat. ի + acc. S o m e Q u e s t i o n s C o n c e r n i n g t h e A r m e n i a n V e r s i o n o f t h e Ep i s t l e o f J a m e s Text Greek construction Armenian construction Phil. 3,3 ἐν + dat. ի + acc. Js. 1,9 ἐν + dat. ի + acc. 1,10 ἐν + dat. ի + acc. 4,16 ἐν + dat. ի + loc. B. Distribution Greek construction Number of cases Armenian construction Number of cases εἰς + acc.

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