By Joe Kissell
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However, if you’ll be using Windows in a virtualization environment, you must have enough RAM for Mac OS X as well as Windows, since both will be running at the same time. Microsoft recommends these minimum amounts of RAM: • For Windows 7, 1 GB for the 32-bit version or 2 GB for the 64-bit version, and I feel those are reasonable amounts—although more is certainly better. • For Windows Vista, 512 MB for Windows Vista, but Microsoft suggests (as I do) 1 GB as a more comfortable amount. • For Windows XP, 128 MB, but it runs better and faster with more.
Click Continue. The next step depends on whether you have a single internal hard drive (as most Macs do) or more than one. 5. If you have more than one internal hard disk, do the following (otherwise, skip this step): a. Select the disk you want to install Windows on. You have two choices: • You can choose your startup disk, in which case the only option is to partition it into a Windows volume and a Mac OS X volume. • You can select any other internal disk, in which case you must then specify (by clicking the appropriate radio button) whether Boot Camp Assistant should Create a Second Partition for Windows on that drive or Erase the Disk and Create a Single Partition for Windows.
After you’ve answered all these questions, the installation finishes. Upgrading to Windows 7 Microsoft doesn’t officially support upgrading from Windows XP directly to Windows 7, although you can upgrade from XP to Vista and from Vista to Windows 7. If you want to move from XP to Windows 7 without going through Vista, you must copy your data to an external drive, perform a clean installation of Windows 7, move some of your data back, and then reinstall your third-party applications. com/en-us/ windows7/help/upgrading-from-windows-xp-to-windows-7.