By Timothy Materer

This quantity offers a first-hand survey of the humanities and literature in the course of a vital interval in sleek tradition, 1915–1924. Pound used to be then linked to such germinal magazines as BLAST, The Little evaluation, The Egoist, and Poetry; he was once getting to know or publicizing writers equivalent to Robert Frost, Hilda Doolittle, T. S. Eliot, and James Joyce; and he used to be championing the painters Wyndham Lewis and William Wadsworth in addition to the sculptors Jacob Epstein, Henri Gaudier-Brzeska, and Constantin Brancusi.
Pound wrote to John Quinn—a big apple legal professional, knowledgeable in company legislations, and a collector of bizarre flavor and discrimination—about those artists and lots of extra, urging him to aid their journals, acquire their manuscripts, and purchase and show their work and sculptures. Quinn at one time owned manuscripts of Ulysses and The Waste Land, Brancusi’s sculpture Mlle. Pogany, and Picasso’s portray Three Musicians. but he was once frequently skeptical concerning the worth of latest faculties of paintings, corresponding to Vorticism, and disturbed via the outspokenness of authors resembling Joyce. Pound’s letters are strangely tactful while he counters Quinn’s doubts and explains the premises of experimental artwork. Pound’s letters to Quinn are touched together with his attribute humor and wordplay and are specifically outstanding for his or her lucidity of expression, engendered by way of Pound’s deep admire for Quinn.

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Extra info for The Selected Letters of Ezra Pound to John Quinn: 1915-1924

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His wife &. King. EP. Lewis: Wyndham Lewis (1882-19571, who became Pound's close friend and ally in the Vorticist movement. far as Derain: Quinn's phrase in his letter to Pound of 25 February 1915 was that he owned "more than one painting by Derain" (the French artist, Andre Derain, 1880-1954). mss. of Wm. Morris: See Introduction. Morgan and a certain old friend: J. P. Morgan (1837- I 9 131, the American financier, was notorious for the high prices he paid for European art. In a note on a copy of this letter at Emory University, he identified the "niece" as "that old fool Amy Lowell" (1874-19251.

IF a man of our own times were put in charge of it. They are supposed to sell 8000 I think??????? On 8000 one can run till the crack of doom. A jackass paper like the Atlantic, could be grabbed, the deceased Lippincotts would have done. 36 ARTIST AND PATRON I readily understand that none of these are likely to be available, but it might save waste if they were. The conception of America communicating with the outside world is so new and strange to all of them, I suppose they think it a disease.

THERE IS NO PERIODICAL WHERE ONE CAN LOOK FOR CURRENT KNOWLEDGE OF EVERYWHERE. There are clipping bureaus like "Current Opinion". Le. quotations of journalism. not inside stuff. H. ) You could get any contemporary french work, in french, and in english (parallel pages), or in translation only, as the publishers and editors should find advisable. All Yeats' work. All Fenellosa's unique revelation of China and japan. ) AS TO POETRY, I think the little Chicago magazine can probably hold all the really good poetry now written in English, and am ARTIST AND PATRON 33 content with its size on that score, but it can NOT publish any adequate account of international work.

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