By Graham Barlow

Это полное справочное руководство на home windows 10. В нем описано все, что вам нужно, от установки новой операционной системы до того, чтобы начать работать, используя новые возможности. По пути вы откроете для себя все секреты home windows 10 и познакомитесь с новыми обновлениями, такими как Кортана, виртуальные рабочие столы и с работой в режиме планшета. Есть так много всего, что вы можете обнаружить в home windows 10, что вы захотите положить данное руководство рядом с компьютером и так вы сможете попробовать что-то новое или узнать более эффективные способы делать то, что вы уже делаете с вашим ПК.

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As the information age progresses, and we’re buried under more data, finding what you need quickly is essential. Microsoft knows all about this and has its own search engine, Bing, which has been working through many generations of Windows to improve and enhance desktop search capabilities. With Windows 10, the company has gone one better. Not only is desktop search faster, but it’s enhanced by Cortana – technology that has made the transition from the Windows Phone 8 platform. Cortana is a digital personal assistant, named after – and inspired by – the virtual helper from Microsoft’s Halo games.

Try making your language less natural. It may seem counterintuitive given that Cortana is supposed to recognise everyday speech, but until it is finely tuned by its developers, you’re going to have to work with what you’ve got. Users on desktop PCs will likely have a different experience to users of laptops, too. We’ve already mentioned the dedicated key on certain brands, but there’s more: Cortana can look after your battery and accept questions about it, which won’t apply to desktops. The Windows Phone version revels in location-based information, which will come into its own if you’re carrying a laptop “The mobile version is so useful it transcends the shame of talking to your phone in public” Cortana has a sense of humour, but it’s up to you to find it If you’re typing a search, you often don’t need to hit Enter to see the information you’re looking for TRY THIS INSTEAD Cortana is not your only hope or tablet around with you.

However, you can’t say it’s a groundbreaking new feature, as it’s mostly a repackaging of what has gone before. But what is new is its addition to the Taskbar. This brings it to the attention of more users. 1) to switch EHWZHHQDSSVFUHHQV²ÁLFNLQJLQIURPWKH left of the screen brought up a switcher menu. As with the Charms menu on the other side, it was underused and is now long gone, so it’s good to have an even better feature to replace it with. But, it’s not true to say that Task View doesn’t have any new features, since Task View also includes a Multiple Desktops feature (though it’s only available in Desktop mode).

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