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Smooth panorama learn makes use of a panoply of strategies to extra our knowing of our altering global, together with arithmetic, data and complex simulation thoughts to mix empirical observations with recognized theories. This booklet identifies rising fields and new demanding situations which are mentioned in the framework of the ‘driving forces’ of panorama improvement. the publication addresses all the ‘hot issues’ during this very important zone of research and emphasizes significant modern developments in those fields.
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1989. Struktur und Funktion von Hecken in tierökologischer Sicht. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 17: 643–656. ch Abstract This little linguistic study presents a semantic analysis of the word ‘landscape’ as it occurs in a number of government texts of the last 40 years that are fundamental for nature and landscape protection in Switzerland. The use of the word ‘landscape’ in each text mirrors the political development of the concept, which in turn is a response to the outcome of implemented policies.