By Sidney A. Katz
Features of Geiger-Muller CountersResolving TimeBackground CorrectionsInverse sq. LawCorrections for Geometry FactorsBack Scatter of RadiationCorrections for Self-absorptionRange of Beta RadiationsAbsorption of Beta RadiationAbsorption of Gamma RadiationRadioactive Decay and device EfficiencyHalf-life DeterminationInvestigation of 2 IndependentlyDecaying RadionuclidesHalf-life of a Long-livedRead more...
summary: features of Geiger-Muller CountersResolving TimeBackground CorrectionsInverse sq. LawCorrections for Geometry FactorsBack Scatter of RadiationCorrections for Self-absorptionRange of Beta RadiationsAbsorption of Beta RadiationAbsorption of Gamma RadiationRadioactive Decay and tool EfficiencyHalf-life DeterminationInvestigation of 2 IndependentlyDecaying RadionuclidesHalf-life of a Long-lived RadionuclideAutoradiographyCalibration and Operation of the ElectroscopeProperties of Proportional CountersIntegral SpectraGamma Spectrometry IGamma Spectrometry IILiquid Scintillation Cou
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2008). , 2008). Liquid scintillation counting has eliminated many of the empirically determined corrections associated with the measurement of 14C activity in solid BaCO3 (Gora and Hickey, 1954; Hendler, 1959; Wood, 1971). 23 24 Experiments in Nuclear Science “Infinite” thickness Thin sample Medium sample Thick sample Figure 13 Self-absorption. Part A Procedure a. 0 ml of 10% (m/v) uranyl nitrate solution into a small petri dish, and measure the activity for 5 minutes. b. Add a second milliliter of the 10% (m/v) uranyl nitrate solution to the petri dish, and again measure the activity.
Two identical radioactive sources are counted on aluminum and steel planchettes. Will they give the same (within statistical error) count rates? Explain. Would beta particles with different energies than those used in this experiment give different results? Briefly explain. How does thickness of the backing material affect the results of this experiment? Is there a limit? Would similar back scattering percentages be expected with alpha particles? How about gamma radiation? What are the ideal detector conditions for a pure beta-emitting nuclide like 32P?
The operation of the photomultiplier tube is described in Experiment 18. It is customary to correct a gross count by subtracting a separately measured background count to obtain the net count of the sample. This approach is acceptable when the gross count is large and the background count is small. When the difference between the gross count and the background count is small, the error in the net count is large. 4 cpm The uncertainty associated with a single count is the square root of that count (Bryan, 2009, p.