By Ewald Meyer, Robert Müller
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Strategies There are a few different strategies you can adopt for the actual task of upgrading the systems on your network. Staff levels, user and management requirements, network resources, and other factors will all play a part In determining which approach Is best for your network. Everything at Once This plan Is really only feasible for small networks where everything c£in be accomplished In a time frame measured by hours or days. Attempting to upgrade both servers and workstations at the same What Is New in Windows 2000 • Chapter 1 time in a large network could become an unforgettable experience, although you'll want to forget it.
For instance, if a domain controller fails, you can install Active Directory on a member server, and after rebooting it will then be a domain controller. This capability means you can reduce the number of domain controllers even further, since you can quickly create a new one in an emergency. Server Resources Another consideration that may affect your domain design is the number of servers available to act as domain controllers. Some of your current domain controllers may not meet the system requirements to r u n Windows 2000, so consolidating domains and reducing the number of domain controllers you need may save the expense of upgrading or replacing some of your older hardware.
If users have mapped their own network drives, you may not have an easy way of changing the locations to which their drives are mapped. This is why it is always best to map network drives in logon scripts, or to use Windows NT Distributed File System. Putting these things in place now will enable you to upgrade servers during business hours instead of during weekends and evenings. Goal #2: Minimize Administration There can be numerous tasks necessary to upgrade a computer, including inventorying the system, ordering and installing hardware, backing up the system, training the user, upgrading the operating system, creating the user accounts, configuring the user environment, installing applications and printers, and testing.