By Andrew Martin

КнигаInterior layout evaluation (Обзор дизайна интерьера), стала известной в качестве справочника для дизайнера. Эндрю Мартин является одним из известнейших в мире мебели брендов, представленных более чем в 50 странах. Международная премия Эндрю Мартина Дизайнер интерьера года привлекает внимание всех уголков земного шара, и была названо журналом the days как Оскар в мире интерьерного дизайна. В этом году издание увеличено вдвое и предлагает читателю еще больше информации для просмотра и вдохновения.

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56 Lowe and Rand 1922: 40 et passim. Merrill 1907: 129-56. FRANCE AND THE TRANSMISSION OF LATIN MANUSCRIPTS 35 le Virgile de Carpi ou celui de Bembe, vestrorum hominum sermone et litteris tarn valde celebrati. (Ambros. G. 77, f. ^ Dupuy sends the manuscript through Pinelli, with whom he has continued to correspond. 60 In a letter to Pinelli dated 17 January 1575, he says, "J'accorde pour 1'amour de vous au sr. "62 Dupuy was working then, and apparently did work for some time, on the Panegyrici Latini, which he never published.

In his Annotatioms in . . "30 According to Aldus Manutius the text of the Epistles in his new edition was highly emended by Giocondo: Exeunt igitur hae Plinii epistolae in manus litteratorum et tua, et lucundi nostri in illos benevolentia, emendatissimae . . "36 Therefore there was probably no textual work by Aldus himself, and the credit for its improvement has to be given to Giocondo. Other scholarly achievements of Giovanni Giocondo included an edition of Sallust's De coniuratione Catilinae and De bello lugurthino (Venice: Aldus, 1509), "from two very old manuscripts brought from Paris by him and lanus Lascaris for me to print," as Aldus said in his dedicatory epistle to Bartholomeo Liviano (General Bartolommeo Alviano, "le glorieux compagnon d'armes de Gonzalve de Cordoue"37): C.

Plinii Secundi. . 1508. 29 Firmin-Didot 1875: 304. See also G. Bude, Annotationes. . in Pandectas (Op. Om. Ill, 56). 30 Vecce 1988: 19-20. 31 Merrill 1910: 451s. 32 Vecce 1988: 19s. and plate I. 34 Bude also cited Giovanni Giocondo as the discoverer of the Parisinus, the oldest and most complete witness of Pliny's Epistles. In his Annotatioms in . . "30 According to Aldus Manutius the text of the Epistles in his new edition was highly emended by Giocondo: Exeunt igitur hae Plinii epistolae in manus litteratorum et tua, et lucundi nostri in illos benevolentia, emendatissimae .

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