By Dominic Kelly (auth.)

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We noted above her insistence on placing core values at the centre of her analysis, but this is often overlooked in the scramble to get to her notion of structural power. 53 Far more important as a guide to her intellectual philosophy are the questions she asks. 54 Historical Materialism, World Order and ‘New IPE’ Theory 27 This statement may seem practical and pragmatic, and it may not have the emotional force of Cox’s prose, but its meaning is very close indeed. There is a difference in degree, perhaps, but not ultimately in intent: she does after all raise the key issue of eventual political outcomes.

By employing Cox’s concept of hegemony we are able and indeed required to ask such questions but we experience difficulty in gaining clear answers to them. Of course, when discussing the power of ideas and power in general there is no possibility of ‘measurement’. 42 Yet hegemony does also refer to the material world and must therefore be open at least to an attempt at measurement. The question then becomes, what do we ‘measure’ first and how do we go about it? Do we count the number of guns or missiles or do we measure the size of the economy that produced them?

40 In order to facilitate this re-invigoration, in October 1945 SCAP secured the release of a variety of political prisoners including former trades union leaders such as Matsuoka Komakichi who went on to revive the Japan Federation of Labour (Sodomei). 6 million. 41 In the new atmosphere of political freedom fostered by the Occupation, and amid the context of post-war shortages and general turmoil, it is unsurprising that labour began to make its voice heard. The first major example was the almost year-long strike (begun in October 1945) at the Yomiuri, one of the leading newspapers.

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