By J Brugman
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Rather, he is offering a verse prayer to the school’s patron, Saint Paul. Although he implores Saint Paul to present his plea to the patriarch, the flattering references to the Prodromos, “Monodie” 9. Prodromos, “Monodie” 9. See also Criscuolo (1975) 378-79 and 387 note 37. 27 ODB 624. 28 Prodromos, “Eisiterios” (PG, 133, cols. 1268-74) not only mentions Alexios Aristenos as holding the office of nomophylax and orphanotrophos, but the speech stresses Aristenos’ role as magistrate. 151. 25 26 TIMOTHY S.
Theodoret, Kirchengeschichte, p. 12-17. 36 JOHN W. NESBITT Gelasius of Caesarea (reconstruction): Helena builds a church at the findspot of the cross. She searches for the nails and finding them she has several inserted into Constantine’s helmet, and others are smelted and mixed with metal of his bridle. She returns with a portion of the cross for Constantine, but leaves behind the remainder, which is placed in a silver casket and given to Makarios. Rufinus: Helena has a church built at the site of the discovery of the cross.
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