By Jon Abbink, Klaas Walraven, Mirjam Bruijn

This paintings covers the topic of resistance. have been political different types of resistance directed on the imposition or finishing of colonial rule or at African elites benefiting from the onset of capitalist kin of creation? This paintings goals to respond to this question and extra.

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He shows, moreover, that one of the few effective antidotes to Renamo's expansion was the involvement of an armed peasant movement, the Naparamas, reputedly equipped with rival supernatural powers. These various religious dimensions show that, to some extent, acts of resistance take place in the realm of the mind. The study by Mbembe, mentioned above, argued in this respect that part of the life and activities of Ruben Um Nyobè, the source of inspiration of the UPC rebellion in colonial Cameroon, revolved around dreams he experienced in the maquis.

S. A. Seligman & A. Johnson (eds), Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences (New York, 1950), vol. 13, and M. J. B. Baltes (eds), International Encyclopaedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Amsterdam, 2001), vol. 23. 80 Ibid. Rethinking resistance in African history 19 taken. 81 There are several dimensions to revolts such as those staged by Renamo in Mozambique, the RUF in Sierra Leone or the LRA in Uganda that would qualify as ‘terrorist’ as it is defined here. Many of the more disturbing aspects of these recent forms of resistance are discussed in Gerhard Seibert's analysis of Renamo in this volume.

In some thoughtprovoking and sensitive work on the Nuer and Dinka peoples, Hutchinson and Jok Madut Jok have demonstrated the deep and often unforeseen socio-cultural 148 Ibid. 265 and 267. 149 The Nuer example illustrates that violence can be too massive and dramatic to allow people to ‘remember the victims’ in a culturally proper way. 150 This will reshape the social memory of resistance and probably even impair its effectiveness. We can thus conclude, with D. Crummey,151 that for modern African history the themes of resistance, rebellion and protest are far from exhausted.

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