By Gilles Ronin

Это практическое руководство с целью помочь начинающим дизайнерам интерьера научиться рисовать профессионально выглядящий дизайн интерьера.

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That then depends on the framing you want. 73). 52 lul w wryvtu,tlzEvrt,t'thz wall tzcrws tQfrthry t&nmet^ vdzr an/. t,i HIN wc oqtuuri*r,aft (h4 lzbk nf t-lw ,wn, seeugrhat t1z h$tzsru,al. 5 metres if he,/she is standing) it follows that if other people, positioned in the same way, are shown in the drawing, their eyes will be at the sane level, aligned with the horizon. At the same time, this perception can tell us instinctively about the heieht of the room. L6Lr't. ffFWr/AL Thevlew fronnthe front T h i si s t h ev i e wf a c i n gy o u ,t h e m a i np a r t ,u s u a t [tyh ew a t If r o mt h e b o t t o m , s h o w ni n e t e v a t i oann dt h e s i d e si n p e r s p e c t i vTeh.

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